Our smoked salmon is produced according to two major principles : traceability and respect for the traditional methods of salting, smoking and slicing.
Our smoked salmons SALMOÏKA and BAÏKAL are exclusively produced from the species Salmo Salar or the salmon from Atlantic Ocean, the species which is brought up in fish farms in Norway and in Scotland or which is fished in Baltic Sea. The salmons have to weigh at least 4 kg; to obtain beautiful slices. They have not to contain any outside physical defect, and their flesh has to present a beautiful orangey color. The rate of lipids of their flesh must not exceed 18%.
The salmons must be shut down the day of fishing and kept into ice from the place of fishing to the place of transformation. They must not be frozen. The maximal deadline between the date of fishing and the date of threading must be lower than 7 days.
The fillets are delicately raised by hand. Then they are salted with dry salt, also by hand, according to their thickness. This technique permit to preserve the traditional aspect of this production and to insure a good level of organoleptic quality (taste, smell, color aspect, and consistency of food). The salt used is from marine origin : dry salt from Guérande or flower of salt from Camargue.
The smoking is based on a traditional method with moderated temperatures (23°/26°C) during 24 hours and is made by exposing the fillets in the smoke of noble wood as oak, beech, elm…
After smoking, the salmon is refined. This operation of maturation is made between 0° and 2°C. These conditions permit an homogeneous migration of the constituents of the smoke in the thickness of the fillets, in particular for big fishes. At this step, the exhibition of the product in a temperature lower than 0°C is strictly forbidden even for a short period. Then after the fillets are adorned and selected.
To be able to master up to the plate of the consumer the quality of our products, we propose exclusively preclear-cut and vacuum-packed smoked salmon. The slicing is made in a craft way thus very carefully and with a specific knowledge. Before being cut, the salmon is depilated very minutely with a tweezer. After the salmon is cleaned from the smoking skin. Finally the salmon is cut to the hand with very fine and transparent slices.
The slicer is a real specialist who knows how to determine the best angle of cut according to the shape and the thickness of the fillets.